The past couple of weekends have been very nice.
Last weekend, Nana and Papa were supposed to pay a visit but Papa got sick so we decided it was best to keep him away from Tyler for the time being.
So Ben, Tyler and I spent the weekend together going for walks in the park and around the neighborhood. Tyler loved it, but we quickly figured out that he likes rough terrain better than the smooth sidewalk...something about the vibration puts him right to sleep :)
Saturday night we went over to our next door neighbors house for dinner! Melanie cooked fried calamari, salad, smoked salmon pasta and creme brulee. Everything was delicious and Tyler loved playing with Jared and Melanie's daughter Maddie.
This weekend Nana and Papa came for a visit and Ben and I were able to have a date night. We went to Bone's and it was SO delicious!
Today will be spent doing the usual...running errands and hopefully getting in a walk around the neighborhood if it gets to a good temperature outside.
And Sunday Ben's going to meet up with some of the boys to watch the final US Hockey Match of the Olympics, while Amanda, Tyler and I cook dinner together!
Fun weekend!
Next week is my last week of maternity leave and I'm so sad about it. I'm looking forward to going back to work but will desperately miss all the quality time I have with Tyler. I really didn't realize how much I would enjoy it!
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Friday, February 19, 2010
Happy Two Month Bday Tyler!!
Happy Two Month Birthday Baby T! Tyler is getting fatter and cuter everyday and we just love him to pieces!
Since Tyler's Baptism we spent Valentine's weekend quietly at home as a family. Our gift to each other was a new laptop! We now have a webcam and can Skype with Nana and Papa and Aunt Jo Jo (Johanna). For those that don't have Skype you are missing out! It's so much fun!!!
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Tyler's Baptism
Tyler had his baptism at our church in Spartanburg this past weekend! It was a big event! Ryan flew in from Oklahoma to be Tyler's godfather and Johanna drove down from Raleigh to be his godmother. We couldn't be more excited to have them both in Tyler's life.
Ryan flew in on Friday night and we had a game night and take out night with Amanda at our house. Then Saturday we set out on Tyler's first road trip to Spartanburg.
Saturday night my parent's babysat while Ben, Ryan, Johanna, Steve, Ethan and I went out to dinner. It was a great time.
Sunday morning was the baptism and Tyler looked adorable in his little white shoes, pants, shirt and sweater vest. He hardly cried when the water was poured on his head! After church we headed to City Range Grille for lunch with a bunch of friends and relatives to celebrate!
A big THANKS to everyone that made the trip to church to be a part of Tyler's special day!
Monday, February 8, 2010
Aunt Kate Comes to Town

The Weekend of Jan 30th was a lot of fun because Ben's sister Kate came to town to meet little Tyler.
We had a great time hanging for the weekend! Kate was definitely "hands on" and loved feeding, burping, and playing with Tyler.
The only thing she didn't really want to do was change his Ben and I took care of that. But that didn't stop little Tyler from peeing on her lap bright and early Sunday morning!
Other highlights of the weekend included game night with Andy and Angela on Sunday afternoon. Tyler was on Aunt Kate's team for Trivial Pursuit but he didn't really contribute too much, causing her team to lose.
Before I took Kate to the airport on Monday, we dropped by Ben's office so that all of his coworkers could meet little Tyler. He was a big hit!
It was a great weekend!
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