Friday, March 26, 2010

Babies, Bdays, and Easter Eggs!

The Family dying Easter Eggs!
Mom, Dad and Tyler!

Mommy, Nana and Tyler!

Henry and Carson playing with Tyler!

Tyler and Henry hanging out and getting to know each other!

This weekend, Ben and I packed in as much as possible!
Last Friday night one of my BFF's, Erin, flew into town for a short visit so that she could meet Tyler!
It was great catching up with Auntie Erin, and Tyler loved her...even if she is a Duke fan :)
Saturday morning we dropped Erin off bright and early at the airport for her flight and hit the road up to Charlotte for Tyler's first Bday party.
Our good friends Matt and Suzie were throwing a birthday party for their twin boys Carson and Henry who were turning 1!
We stopped at Nana and Poppa's on the way up to Charlotte so that Tyler could get out of the car, eat, get changed and play.
Then we ventured up the rest of the way to Charlotte.

We had a great time at the party catching up with Matt & Suzie and Rusty & Kristin! And Tyler got to meet a whole bunch of babies!
The party fun lasted into the late night, with both Ben and I rocking it out at the poker table while Tyler was sound asleep in Henry's crib!

Sunday, we got up early and met my great friend Ethan for brunch.
It was at a DELICIOUS place called Upstream, and we ate WAY too much!
Then we ventured up to Spartanburg so that Tyler could dye his first Easter Eggs at Nana and Poppa's house. I don't think he really knew what was going on but he had fun regardless.
Ben and I arrived home late Sunday and were exhausted!

This week my dad (Poppa) was in town for a work training and spent Monday and Tuesday night with us. This worked out great for us since I had my first overnight trip for work on Tuesday night. Poppa and Ben ordered Pizza on Tuesday night and spent some Quality Time with Tman!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Happy Three Month Bday Tyler

I can't stay up Mommy!

You woke me up from my nap for this?
Happy Three Month Bday Tyler! You are such an awesome baby and we love you so much!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Over the River and Through the Woods to Grandparents House We GO!

Tyler in his Gamecock gear and Poppa's hat!
Showing off his piano skills!

Hanging with Great Grandma Bobbie!

Happy St. Patty's

I'm a McCutie!

This weekend was a lot of fun for the Sullivan family although we spent most of it apart.
Since Ben allowed me a "Mommy's Night out" last weekend I promised him a Poker night at our house this weekend. Ben got to play poker and drink it up with his boys on Saturday night and sleep in all day on Sunday, while Tyler and I headed to Spartanburg for some Heatherly family time.
We had an awesome Saturday. Tyler got to spend time with his Nana and Poppa, his Great Grandma Bobbie, and his Aunt Kelly. Everyone was literally fighting over who got to feed, change, burp, and rock I just sat back and relaxed!
Tyler also had a great time showing off his newest skill for everyone. Tyler absolutely loves playing his little toy piano with his feet. It's his favorite thing to do.
Of course, since Nana and Poppa got Tyler the piano for Christmas, they just ate it up!
Sunday we headed to church, where Tyler was again the center of attention, and then headed back home to Daddy!

This week has been fun and busy for us as well! And on an exciting note, Ben and I were finally able to start getting back into our weekly Pho rotation. Yeah, Yeah...some of you may not think that's too exciting.... but going out to a restaurant with a three month old who behaves is a big deal, I promise!!! We went on Tuesday and it was SO delicious! Way overdue!
He also sported his St. Patty's day finest on Wednesday! See pics above!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Bachelorette Party and Back to Work

Boy Board game fun for Ben on Sunday
Girls night out!

Happy Bachelorette Melissa!

This past weekend was a ton of fun!

Friday night, Ben and I had had Mike and Roberta over for dinner to celebrate their bdays! We had a great time, although I set the smoke alarm off making my beer can chicken. Let's just say that Tyler was not pleased with the high pitched squealing of our alarm. We had to rush him outside so that he didn't have to hear the noise while I frantically waved a magazine in front of it to make it stop. It was quite the experience! But the chicken turned out great and we all had a great time!

Saturday night, I got my first official "mommy night out" when I attended Melissa's bachelorette party. We met at Amanda's around 7:30 for pizza and then headed out on the FurBus for a night on the town. Stops included Charlie Mopps, Pool Hall, and Stout! I stayed up til 4am and "pump and dumped" like a champ! Sunday morning I got up and left Amanda's and headed home to see my boys. I took Tyler to book club with me that afternoon and he was the hit of the party! While I was away Ben had some of the boys over for board games and beer. The board game the boys played was called Axis and Allies. Apparently this game can last for hours, and believe did!

I was very happy having Tyler and Mommy time while Ben was engaged in his war game downstairs with the boys. It looked like they had a lot of fun, but I just stayed out of the way for the most part! Boy war games are not my thing.

Monday I started back at work. It's been working out great so far! We have had our nanny Lina come to our house during the day to watch Tyler. It's wonderful to be able to go downstairs and spend a little time with Tman whenever I can! He loves Lina and everyone is happy and content so far. We begin our nanny share with another couple at the beginning of April, and I'm excited for that as well. Not only will Tyler get to play with another baby his age, but our nanny brings her 16 month old son too. It will be a zoo at my house with 3 kids but we'll manage while loving every minute of it!