Monday, August 20, 2012

August Update!!!!

Crazy times at the Trolley Crawl!!!

San Fran Fun!!!

Will's Bday Circus Party!!!

Camp NanaPapa!!!

August has certainly shaped up to be quite the fun month!!! The Sullivans ended the summer on a high note, and now it's time to get ready for fall (my favorite season).

The first week of August, Ben and I hosted our last neighbor dinner of the summer. It was great to let the kids play and spend some time catching up with everyone before we left for our BIG TRIP!!!
What big trip is that you ask???? San Francisco!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I found out shortly after I started my new job, that my one and only trip this year would be to the AANA conference is San Fran (that's American Association of Nurse Anesthetists, for anyone that's curious) to do recruitment. I thought to myself...this would be a great time to take Ben a long for the ride and get some much desired grown up time together!
We arranged to have Tyler stay with my parents, something that Tyler and Nana & Papa were SO excited about! On Wednesday 8/1 we drove to Spartanburg and dropped Tman off, and on Thursday 8/2 we were off to San Fran! We had an absolute blast!
Highlights included Muir Woods, Biking the Golden Gate to Sausalito, and Alcatraz! See pics above. We definitely enjoyed our time away and Tyler had the best time at Camp NanaPapa!!! 

After we got home from our trip we had a quiet weekend, with the highlight being our neighbor Will's 1st Bday Circus Party. Tyler's BFF Jack is Will's big brother, so Tyler, Jack, and all the neighborhood kids jumped in the bounce house for hours on end. Sunday we went to church, had a playdate at the park with Steph, Pat, Dylan, Andy, Ang and Baby Meredith and then went to Steph and Pat's for dinner and pool time for the boys!
A perfectly fun, busy, and relaxing weekend...just what the doctor ordered!

In comparison to the beginning of the month, the latter half has been more chill but just as fun. This past week, we were excited to welcome back our friend Amanda to ATL!!! Amanda moved to Chicago back in August, 2010 for work but decided that after two years, she had enough of the cold weather. Tuesday night we hosted dinner for Amanda, Steph and Pat. Beer Can chicken was on the menu, and we had a great time drinking wine and catching up!!!

But this past weekend, we kicked it up into full gear again....
Ben and I joined 5 of our other neighbors for the Roswell Trolley Crawl, and we had an absolute ball! This event has been going on in Downtown Roswell for years, and we all were excited to finally go this year!  We had cabs drop us off at Bulloch Hall where they hosted a Santa Fe style Mexican fiesta! Then we hopped on the trolley to Barrington Hall for a San Fran inspired bash. The final stop was at Smith Plantation for a South Beach/Latin themed extravaganza!!!
We partied til the break of dawn!
Tyler had his friend Kylie (our neighbor's daughter) over with our sitter and they had a slumber party! So Tyler had a great time too!
Yesterday we went to church, Tyler had a swim lesson, & I went to Triathalon clinic at my neighbor Jill's house (more on my triathalon training on another blog post).
We finished the night with a Shark week themed movie party, just the 3 of us!!!

I hope everyone had a safe and fun summer!!! I can't believe it's coming to an end....

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