Friday, February 8, 2013

Pregnancy Pet Peeves

Mornin everybody and HAPPY FRIDAY! I'm so glad the weekend is here!
This week included a trip to Pure Restaurant with Steph and Amanda on Monday and pizza night with the neighbors on Wednesday, which is always a blast.
Tyler and Ben have developed little colds though, so we are going to do family night tonight and lay low.

Now onto my Blog Post Title...Pregnancy Pet Peeves
Maybe it has something to do with the raging hormones in my body right now...but here are a list of things that people often say to me that grate on my VERY last nerve! Bare with me while I vent, will ya?

1. "You know you can drink one cup of coffee a day" - Yes idiot, I know I can drink one cup of coffee a day, that doesn't mean I'm going to do it. I've been through this rodeo before, and I've read all the books. I KNOW what you can and can't drink...but I didn't do it with Tyler and I'm not going to do with Jacob, so I don't need you reminding me of the rules.
2. "You know a little wine in the third trimester is fine" - see same statement above
3. "You know non-alcoholic beer DOES have alcohol in it" - This one is the WORST. Seriously, you need to remind me that there is less than 0.5% alcohol in an O'Douls? Thanks, but I'm not stupid. I read labels and guess what is also on the label??? The words NON-ALCOHOLIC. If I'm going to make it through 9 months of not drinking, and an O'Douls takes the edge off, then back the f off...again, this ain't my first time doing this.
4. "I ate that/drank that when I was pregnant and everything turned out fine" - That's great...I'm glad it worked out for YOU...but I choose to do things differently and guess what? My kid turned out pretty damn good too!
5. "I can barely tell your pregnant" - I know you are trying to pay me a compliment but dude...I've put on at least 25 lbs and if you can't tell a difference, then I'm going to have to become anorexic once I pop this kid out.
6. "You know 1 is 1 but 2 is 10" - Yes, I realize we are in for quite the wake up call when Baby Jacob arrives...and trust me when I say it scares the living crap out of me. But we chose to have a family of two adults and two children and it's the risk we are willing to take. Don't try to scare me even more than I already am...PLEASE!

I can't say that I blame people! Heck, I know I've been guilty of passing on unwanted advice to new parents as's just a part of life.
But I really needed an outlet to vent... It's almost like these parents think I'm doing it for the first time. Thanks for listening!

Do ya'll have any pregnancy or parenting pet peeves? Feel free to share!
Happy Weekend!!!


  1. I'll stop doing 4 and 6 immediately.

    1. Lol, none were directed at anyone specific...just stuff I hear all the time. You know I love you :)
