Monday, November 5, 2012

Halloween 2012

Oh my goodness! Where do I begin, SOOOO much to fill you all in on! Can't believe it's been 2 weeks since I updated my blog!
But it's been a bit cray-cray if you can believe it.

So the week of the 22nd wasn't super busy. We were just leading up to a Halloween filled weekend.
Friday, the 26th, I went with a bunch of our friends and neighbors to the Roswell Mother/Son Halloween dance. SO FUN! Tyler had a blast (besides a minor incident with a kid dressed as the dude from Scream) and my mother in law arrived at the end of the dance to hang out with us! Jan was scheduled to come for the weekend so Ben went to the airport to pick her up and brought her to the dance.

Saturday morning was Tyler's preschool Fallfest. He had a great time playing games, riding the choo choo with Grandma, eating hot dogs, and seeing all of his friends!

Saturday night, Grandma babysat so Ben and I could to the movies. We saw Argo and it was AMAZEFEST! Seriously, if you haven't seen it, GO!
Sunday morning Tyler woke up with croup...yuck. So we booked it to Urgent Care and got him medicated and ready to roll. He felt great after the medicine kicked in, so we decided to go to the pumpkin patch after all!

Jan (my mother in law) was scheduled to fly back to Baltimore on Monday but Sandy hit...and hit hard. So she was stranded with us for a few extra days. This actually turned out to be a good thing, because Tyler got hit with a little cold/virus after the croup wore off and we had to keep him out of school. So it was great that we had a built in babysitter.
Plus Tyler liked spending time with Grandma!
Wednesday was HALLOWEEN!!!! My FAVORITE holiday!
After work, (Tyler went to the doctor that morning and was feeling much better) we got all dressed up and went to our neighborhood block party! We had a chili bar this year and got some great family pics. From there it was off to trick or treat with all of our friends and neighbors ! Tyler was so into it this year, and scored a ton of candy.
Have I mentioned how much I love my neighborhood at Halloween??? seriously can't be beat!

By Friday, I was WORN Down! I think being preggers, coupled with company in town and Halloween just made me feel down right crappy. So Friday I took a sick day. I really needed some rest! Friday night we ordered Chinese and watched Friday Night Lights...just what the doctor ordered!

Saturday, we hit the gym, had a beautiful outdoor lunch at one of our fave places in Alpharetta and had an awesome Game Night with the neighbors!
Sunday, we met up with Steph and Pat and headed to Cagle's Farm for fun in the Corn Maze with Tyler and Dylan!!!! It was a great day and weekend!!!


  1. Cute, Cute, Cute.. I love the family theme Halloween costumes. Hope your MIL made it home okay?

    1. Thanks girlie!!! I'm jealous of your Glo Run (and of course the Bieber concert), sounds so much fun! The MIL made it back to DC safe and sound with minimal damage to the house.

  2. You guys are such a fun family. I am loving the costume theme!!

  3. Thanks Holly!!! We always try to dress up as a family. I'm such a dork that way :) Might pose a problem next year when Tyler wants to be Ironman...who the heck do the rest of us dress as...I guess the new baby can be a miniature Tony Stark??? :)
