Friday, October 19, 2012

Another BIG BIG BIG Announcement

Ben and I are SUPER excited to announce that we are having another BABY!!!!
Yes, you heard it right! 
A second addition to the Sullivan Family will be arriving in May 2013!
FYI, we haven't announced anything to the various "social media" outlets yet. The blogger world is the first to know. 
Please keep any comments limited to my personal email or this blog post until we post it on the Facebook world! Thanks!!! 

When we found out that we were expecting Tyler, I did a little Q&A for everyone. So I figured, why not do it again? 
So below are some answers to what I'm sure are your "burning" questions!!! LOL :)

Q: Are you guys excited and when did you guys start trying?
Answer: Yes!!! We were ecstatic to learn that we were preggers!! But I do have to admit that the first couple of weeks I was in pure shock. The honest truth? (sorry Baby #2 if you read this in 20 years) We were NOT trying. We weren't even planning on trying until the new year. Turns out that I'm part of that 2% that get knocked up on the pill...go figure. (I swear on my life that I only missed one pill)
The story goes as follows: It was September 20th and I was in the break room at work. My coworker comes in and says, "I'm sorry if I'm cranky this week ya'll, it's that time of the month for me." 
I said, "How weird, it's that time of the month for me too....but wait, I haven't gotten my period yet"
Coworker said, "Girl, you might be pregnant"
Me: "No I can't be pregnant, I'm on the pill"
As soon as I got home (left early), I took a test. It was BLAZING positive.
I drove straight to Ben's work to tell him. On the way there I thought "I read this thing wrong...the plus sign was really a minus, I MUST have been confused!" So I stopped at Kroger, Bought a digital test...peed in the Kroger bathroom and waited while the little test blinked...and blinked...and blinked. Result = Pregnant.
At that point, there was no denying it. I drove to Ben's office and told him. He was just as shocked as I was.
But both of us were giggling like little giddy high schoolers.
Truth is...we are ecstatic.
I still can't believe it...but we are both SO excited for the baby!!!

Q: How are you feeling?
Answer: Not Great...Nauseous, Bloated, Sore Boobs (my GOD they are sore) Peeing every 5 minutes, EXHAUSTED Irritable, & Emotional! How fun! My husband is loving life right now! 

Q: Is that your "injury" that kept you from doing the triathlon?
Answer: You bet your sweet ass it was. I was SO ready for that triathlon and wouldn't let anything stand in my way of finishing it. But 4 days before the race I experienced some first trimester bleeding (I had it with Tyler too) and decided to play it safe rather than sorry. So I guess there was ONE thing that could stand in my way of competing...the thought of hurting Baby #2. 

Q: What about your big "weight loss/weight watchers" journey?
Answer: Well that's obviously been put on hold for now. And weight watchers makes you quit if you are preggers. I'm trying to be more healthy this time around, but it wasn't as easy as I thought it would be. Late night chocolate cravings and zero energy to work out aren't helping much either. But as soon as this baby is born, it's back on track! And I'm doing that triathlon next year dang it!!!!

Q: Are you going to find out the sex?
Answer: Yes absolutely we want to find out the sex! We will find out sometime right before Christmas and we'll be sure to let you all know!!!! Honestly (and I can say this without hesitation) I would be happy with a little girl or another boy just like my sweet Tyler. 

Q: Wait, your not out of your first trimester...should you be announcing this on your blog already?
Answer: I'm a horrible anyone that asks me anything or questions my motives ultimately gets the truth.
Because of this, a LOT of people already know about baby #2. I figure why not just go ahead and let the rest of the world in on our little secret. 
My doctor has assured me that things are going well and I trust that God will keep an eye on Baby #2 and make everything go smoothly!

Q: But all of your previous blog posts have talked about partying...were you drinking at all those events?
Answer: I have not had any kind of alcohol since I found out I was pregnant on 9/20. 

Q: Are you keeping the name a secret?
Answer: soon as we find out the sex we will announce the name! I want my kid to have as much personalized stuff as people will buy for him/her :) We really like Haley for a girl and Jacob for a boy. But who knows what the ultimate decision will be. 

Q: Any weird cravings?
Answer: Yes...Chicken Salad and Cereal (not at the same sitting thank god) 

Q: How far along are you?
Answer: I'm in my 10th week this week! Technical Due Date: May 23rd 

Q: Is your child going to be super spoiled?
Answer: If his/her grandparents have anything to do with it...yes! 

Q: Did you see how big your baby's head was in that ultrasound? Are you going to push that sucker out? 
Answer: Yes, I saw. The Sullivan Children (well the one so far) are known for their rather large head circumference. LOL! 
I had a Csection with Tyler (he was tilted to the right and wouldn't drop) but am still trying to decide if I want another Csection or try for the VBAC. We will be weighing our options over the next few months. I'm in no rush to decide. 

Q: Are you having anymore kids?
Answer: I can say with 99.9999999%...correction 100% certainty that 2 is enough for us! Ben will be sprinting to the vasectomy clinic after this kid is born! 

Q: Is Tyler excited?
Answer: Oh my God YES!!! He kisses my belly and asks to hug the sonogram picture. He wants a little sister (yes sister...he's insistent on this) SO Bad! It's really the cutest thing in the world! 

Well that's all the questions I can think of right now but if you have any other ones feel free to leave a comment and I'll post a follow up!!!

Please keep us all in your thoughts and prayers during the next 7 months!!!
Love to you all!!!


  1. OMG YAY!!!!!!!!! Congrats this is awesome news:) YAY YAY YAY!!

  2. Yay for the Sullivan's!!! And so funny about the cereal craving. That was my big thing when I was pregnant with Olive. :)
